Your child travels alone or with an accompanier

If your child is under 18 years old, your child needs your permission to travel alone. Your permission is also needed if your child travels with an adult companion. You fill in the consent form. This shows the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee that your child has permission to travel.

A child must have permission from the parents who have parental responsibility. These are usually the parents who care for and raise the child. Sometimes, someone other than the parents has responsibility for a child (guardianship). Then that person (the guardian) must give permission.

Read when a parent has parental responsibility for a child.

Proving permission with a form

You fill in the consent form to give your permission. This shows the Marechaussee that your child has permission to travel. You sign the form together with the other person who has parental responsibility. Is your child travelling without a companion? Then you can cross out that section on the form.