The Netherlands introduces temporary border controls
Today, 9 December, the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee will begin implementing temporary border controls at its internal borders (the borders with other Schengen countries). This measure will be in effect for a period of six months and is intended to combat irregular migration (people smuggling) and cross-border crime. The Marechaussee is carrying out these controls at the behest of the Ministry of Asylum and Migration.

The Marechaussee was already carrying out random checks at the internal borders. The number of checks that were permitted to be carried out under this system was limited. From today, these checks will be replaced by border controls. These limitations will now be lifted, allowing for more frequent checks and the ability to check more people. This will be done in close cooperation with Germany and Belgium.
Article 25 of the Schengen Borders Code
The temporary border controls are based on Article 25 of the Schengen Borders Code. This article states that countries may temporarily introduce border controls in the event of a serious threat to public order or national security.